Steepedinbliss's Blog

Just another weblog

MY V-DAY BLOG. February 14, 2011

Filed under: Uncategorized — steepedinbliss @ 2:57 am

In honor of Valentine’s Day I am compiling two lists.

The first one is 15 things I love. The second list will be 15 reasons I love myself.

As I stood in the card aisle at Target tonight, all I saw were cards for those in romantic relationships and I realized that I had forgotten to be upset about being single on Valentine’s Day…call me narcissistic (you would not be the first) but I really enjoy my own company. A valentine would just be like that second glass of wine…enjoyable but not entirely necessary.

I love

1. NoDa Yoga- this place is a haven for me. I am blessed to be a part of what Maria, Jillian, Jen, and the students have created and are creating.

2. My friends Β and my friends dogs. They have been unconditional with me which is great because I am dramatic and moody.

3. Grass Fed Ground Beef. Tonight I told my mom I felt good about life again. She said, “To what do you attribute that?”

“Grass Fed Ground Beef” I responded.

True story.

4. Deva Primo- its like having your mom sing to you and brush your back.

5. Evening Primrose and Alkaline Water- the combination is clearing up the acne I have had since conception.

6. Common Market. Thank you for feeding me and being weird.

7. The single bamboo i bought in Asheville and put in a glass of water. I am going to try and nurture it and keep it alive. Its a science AND social experiment. I am testing how responsible and capable I am to prove to those who think I suffer from Arrested Development wrong. I don’t suffer, I enjoy every second of procrastinated adulthood.

8. My nieces. You should meet them. They are all really cool.

9. My family. Thank you.

10. My west coast family and the newest addition-Logan Bridger.

11. Therapy, yoga, and multivitamins.

12. The smart kids at school who help me and don’t laugh when I drop my books, spill my milk, and get a run in my pantyhose. Thank you.

13. My Green Papasan Chair. I curled up in the fetal in it yesterday and took a 2 hour nap. It was like being in the womb again, only not as wet and there was a bit more leg room.

14. Baths. It continues to amaze me how much I like to be submerged in water.

15. Laurel Market- but more specifically the guy (what is his name?) that works behind the counter Mon-Fri. He always asks how my weekend was, if I have a busy day, and he smiles constantly. Plus he’s my caffeine dealer. I have to respect him.

Okay…stand up. Put your arms in the air (Just do it)…now wrap your arms around yourself and say out loud -LOUDLY


One time when I was in California, I was taking a workshop with Sark. She made us do this. I was cynical at first until later that night at the wine bar I was sitting at. Two guys in their forties conversed with me. Buisness men. Β I made them do this in the bar. They were resistant at first, but then (this IS a true story) they stood up and yelled “I AM SO IN LOVE WITH MYSELF” with their arms wrapped around themselves. I think I peed my pants (just a little).

Just do it. You will feel great.

Okay. Sit back down. I’m not done yet.

15 reasons I love myself.

1. oh my gosh-this is really hard.

1. I have not given up on myself or my dreams.

2. I love fiercely, imperfectly, awkwardly but I love…

3. I am full of courage.

4. I try new things.

5. I take myself on dates and I am really good company.

6. I have survived a lot of weird and hard experiences and continue to journey toward living a balanced, whole, and healthy life.

7. I can admit when I have been wrong, selfish, and prideful…

8. I am IN PROCESS…or more so…still rising like YEAST.

9. I am not afraid to FIT OUT…or if I am afraid, I do it anyway

10. I love myself because I make myself laugh

11. I am creative and innovative.

12. I am giving.

13. I love myself because I am amazed at my own hearts capacity to open and to love. I know its capacity for the opposite, but it is the capacity to give and receive love that humbles me.

14. I love myself because I am not afraid to go to the grocery store in my pajamas.

15. Just because.


12 Responses to “MY V-DAY BLOG.”

  1. You are beautiful. I love you.

  2. Amanda Says:

    I stumbled across your blog and I may be a stranger but I think you’re pretty creative. Thanks for the encouragement to love oneself!
    Have a happy valentine’s day – sounds like you have the perfect person to spend it with!

    • steepedinbliss Says:


      what a stumble. Do you live in Ripon, WI? I am from Neenah originally and two of my brothers went to middle and high school in Ripon. Hope you enjoyed your Valentine’s Day and did something kind for yourself!

      • Amanda Says:

        What a small world! Yes, I am attending Ripon College! I am in my last semester so I will be heading out shortly. πŸ˜‰ – I have had the privilege of being in Neenah a few times! πŸ˜‰ I know the Krisher family that lives there. Maybe you do too. πŸ™‚

        Thanks for the Valentine’s Day wishes – I hope you have a lovely weekend.

  3. daynya Says:

    this is amazing, and made me love you even more. i also love grass fed beef. as much as i dislike eating animals, when i do, and i eat this, i feel so rejuvenated. also, common market for being weird, always good. LOOOOVE you πŸ™‚

  4. geauxgirl Says:

    I can just SEE you chatting up a couple of “suits” at a bar. Next thing you know, you’ll have the next two you encounter trying headstands. *love*

    *hugs* friend!

  5. jen Says:


    also, whole heartedly agree with grass-fed beef.

    ps – where does one find alkaline water? i am also plagued with the acne-prone skin.

    pps – found you through geauxgirl- love your blog.

    • steepedinbliss Says:

      Hi Jen,

      Thanks for stopping by my blog. You can find alkaline water at Berrybrook Farms on East Blvd. or at Luna’s Living Kitchen. I’m sure it is elsewhere, but those are the only two places I know of.

      Going to check out your blog now!

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